Holiday Activities that can cause Back Pain
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
Heavy luggage, uncomfortable, cramped seats, walking through airports the size of a small city – the hazards of holiday travel are many. That heavy luggage you’re lifting into the trunk, dragging through the airport, and shoving in an overhead bin can put a serious strain on your back.
The tiny, uncomfortable seats lead many people to sit with poor posture – hunched over their phones, laptops, and tablets, or tying themselves into knots to find a comfortable position to sleep. Not to mention the extended amount of time you’ll spend seated on a car or plane ride. All of this can put pressure on your spine, neck, and joints, and cause or worsen pain.
To minimize your potential travel woes, consider shipping presents ahead of time, checking your luggage instead of carrying it on, and bring a neck or lumbar pillow for the car or plane ride.
Holiday Decorating
Shopping til you Drop

Cookies for Santa
Those hours in the kitchen decorating cookies and making the perfect holiday meal can really take a toll on your back. Extended periods of standing, especially on unforgiving tile or cement floors, can lead to excess pressure on your back and joints.
It’s a good idea to wear shoes that are comfortable and supportive (hello memory foam slippers), stand on an ergonomic mat to help ease the pressure on your spine, and take breaks often to stretch your back, shoulders, and neck, ideally every 30 minutes.
Make this holiday season a joyful one by taking a few extra precautions to avoid back pain and injury. Take time for exercise and stretching, try to eat healthy (a few Christmas cookies is fine for you and for Santa), stay hydrated and get lots of rest. Taking good care of yourself during the holidays (and all year long) is the best gift you can give yourself.
If your back pain, joint pain, or neck pain is impacting your ability to enjoy the holiday season, give us a call or you can request a consultation and we’ll discuss your options.